Cost of pre-manufactured pools vs. concrete pools

Which is more economical, a concrete pool or a pre-fabricated pool?

There’s a clear difference between the two.

Cost of pre-fabricated pools

These days there’s a considerable cost difference between a concrete pool and a polyester pool. The latter is more economical, since the initial cost for these pools compared to concrete pools can range from 15% to 25%.

Besides cost, there are other factors that can help you decide which pool to buy:

How long does it take to install?

There is a quite a difference between the time it takes to install a concrete pool and install a polyester pool. The concrete pool takes at least three months, and you also have to seek planning permission for the works.

In contrast, although you still need planning permission, the monoblock pools are much quicker to install. In just 3 or 4 days you’ll have your Mon de Pra monoblock pool installed in your garden; weather permitting, of course.

Cost of maintaining each pool

Pools require specific maintenance to avoid problems arising over the years. If we calculated all maintenance costs over a period of 10 years we would see a big difference between the two pool types. Concrete pools are rigid, while pre-fabricated polyester or fibreglass pools have a certain degree of flexibility. This flexibility is enough so that, in the event of any ground movement, the pool will not suffer any cracks, as can happen with concrete pools.

Your maintenance costs will be lower with a polyester pool, since you won’t need to use as many chemical products as you would with a concrete pool, and you’ll also be able to save water. Another factor is the cost of cleaning the pool. A concrete pool requires more exhaustive and expensive cleaning. Concrete pools are usually made from stone or gresite (glass mosaic tile), which means they require more chemical products and more maintenance to keep them clean. In contrast, our polyester pools have a smooth surface, preventing algae from adhering to it, and are therefore much easier to clean.

Which are more economical – monoblock pools or concrete pools?

If we take into account the initial purchase price and the future costs of both pools, the polyester pool wins hands down. You’ll be buying a higher quality, more reliable and cheaper pool than a concrete pool. Furthermore, if you fancy changing the colour of your monoblock pool some day, you can repaint in a different colour and be able to enjoy your ‘new’ pool in just 2 or 3 days. However, with a concrete pool, the cost of repainting is way higher and it would take longer to carry out the work.

Price is only one factor among many others that you’ll need to consider, such as the size, shape and colour of the pool and where it’s going to be located. But we can safely say that if you chose a high-quality pool from the Ceramic de Luxe range, for example, such as the Levitter model, in Rodonita colour and with built-in Gravity coping, the cost would be similar to that of a small concrete pool of inferior quality.

Read other articles to find your perfect pool.

Mon de Pra has high-quality polyester monoblock pools in all shapes and sizes, and you can choose whichever finish you like most. And, if you want ‘more than a pool’, Ceramic de Luxe has the best quality pools in the market, with artisanal finishes that are unique in the world.

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